Monday, February 16, 2009

Nice Shoes, Wanna Fuck? is doing nothing to inspire my confidence in the males of my generation. I received an email the other day from some guy saying how hot I was and how we should get together soon. That was pretty much it. I'm guessing it falls on the if you ask 10 women to sleep with you, statistically at least one will say yes.

Today's lovely email "Helloooooooo Angel. How are you doing? My name is Jason, I live in NJ, jersey city, but I'm presently in west Africa due to my work and i will be back in 21 days time, I just saw your profile on and it really attracted me to write're gorgeous,what's the secret to your beauty? Well I'm sure you are a rare combination of so many special things and I'm yet to figure out that magic . I'm only writing in view of being a friend, if you wouldn't mind that then i should be expecting a reply soonest Don't forget my name is Jason and i hope to know yours too. Well i would be signing out on now you can email me directly on my private email address if you are interested my email is ______ and my carrier is yahoo dot com and i will be looking forward to your email soon. or why dont you get a yahoo messenger for your self so we can get to chat, my yahoo id is _____ . Will be counting the mins till you write back to my email or lets chat.
Take care"

Yes, my beauty, that would be the combination of magic and aliens... or aliens and magic, whichever I feel like using first that day when I wake up...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Today is Fucking Depressing.

Seriously, bad news from my ex financially yesterday which means I'm anxious because I may have to deal with a lot of shit in a short amount of time and may end up homeless (or well scrounging to find someplace rather quickly). The idea makes me tense and trying to figure everything out has made me feel exhausted.

L and her boyfriend have likely broken up or at least he's gone the passive-aggressive route to breakup which included a promise to call her today that never materialized (among other very bad things he did that are not really my place to get into here).

I am fucking depressed. It started yesterday, but it lingers today. I'm supposed to go out dancing tonight, but I haven't heard back from anyone I'm supposed to go with or meet up with. I think this is one of those emotional rollercoaster few days where Thursday night's date went really well and gives me warm fuzzies when I think about it, but since then I've felt down. I haven't set up anything with Thu. night's date for anything in the future, and I kind of feel like I'll never find anyone (which I know is super cliche, especially on V-Day). Wow, have I depressed everyone reading this yet?

Oh, and RR guy who I was so-so about, then thought we had fun Tuesday night pretty much never responded to my text or email and I'm pretty sure has done the thing where I don't even get a courtesy email kiss off...

I know, I know, my life is not that horrible... I guess I'm feeling melodramatic today.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blame Emily!

I blame Emily, if she would just post, I would feel more obligated to do so. Plus, I do have a big fat work related excuse and two deadlines, so I think I'm closer to freedom.

I went out on Tuesday night with RR guy, fully expecting to say 'hey, it's been nice knowing you' at the end of the performance. Actually, he started asking questions about me as we were waiting for it to start. He also brought up the BIG question about separation, which I answered with as much truth as I felt and as little acrimony as I could. We had a good time at the theater, and went for a couple of drinks afterward. I felt like we had a good time and a fun talk, but I think I forgot to thank him for taking me out (or maybe I did and it was too obligatory, I forget). He did give me a good-night/bye kiss which I think I screwed up because I wasn't expecting it when he did it. I also texted him when I got home and asked if he'd made it and he replied he did... I've heard nada, zip, zilch since then (Tuesday night around midnight). I sent him a quick text yesterday about something we saw during the performance Tue. night and then a hey Tuesday night was fun email today. Maybe he could tell I changed my mind and now he's no longer interested in hanging out? Hanging out/going out with him is also not consuming, it's more comfortable, which I don't know if that's good or bad. So, 'L' said to give it until tonight and if no word, write that one off as a one match

I also have another 'drink' date tonght with sexy short guy. He actually works in an area that I find very interesting, and I hope he proves interesting. He called yesterday while I was asleep. I vaguely rememeber trying to be charming, but when I woke up more fully I think it was more jerky than anything... Ah well, will rectify that later when I meet him in the explanation of 'sorry I was out of it'. I also got three small cavaties filled today, and am very happy to report three hours later that I can feel most of my face again.

Oh, and one (of the two) military guys I'm talking wants to meet for lunch on Monday. He's actually going to drive up from where he lives about an hour to an hour and a half away. I'm a little guilty over this as he's nice, but I'm not looking for a boyfriend and not one who is in the military... Anyway, L reads his email and thinks I jump to too many conclusions and likely I am super judgemental... ah well.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why He's Single

So, in mentioning my prior approximately 10 minute phone conversation with RR guy, who I am supposed to go out and do a theater event with Tuesday night, I just recalled an interesting part of the conversation I forgot about in prior off-blog conversations about how he was boring me over the phone.

Before I get to that, I should mention that our recent phone conversations (about three times now) have been a lot about him and a little about me that I've just interjected. I haven't really been asked much about me, especially over the phone. When we met in person, I just thought it was nerves that he really didn't ask anything about me. Now I'm thinking it's part of why he's single.

Tonight on the phone, after asking me the only question about how my day was, he went on to tell me about his work, about how probably my job is more fun than his and pays more than his (which I totally corrected that assumption, but my job is more fun, that's true), and then he went on to tell me about a girl he dated who was killed in a car accident this week!?! Seriously, I have met the guy twice in person, talked on the phone a few times, and he decides it's time to bring up about someone he once dated 10+ years ago, hasn't talked with since, but had mutual friends so he was told about her death... He mentioned something about odd it was to have dated someone now dead and get this, his friend's pet had been run over this week as well and that this death thing that is going around and I should watch out for it. Seriously? Seriously? Yes, he did, told me to be careful because something alluding to these things coming in packs/waves/etc.

So, in addition to me giving him about three different general openings (my job, my pets, my family) to ask me ANY questions, he also basically tells me that being with him/around him might bring death to me. Lovely.

Finally, he also ended our phone conversation by telling me that he was home now - so basically I'd been a time filler until his drive home from work was finished. I called him on his 'classy' behavior, in more of a teasing way, but seriously? I only use my family as time-fillers, and they love me and forgive my douchy behavior. I think after Tuesday I'm going to be permanently washing my feet (someone gave me that excuse and I think it fits here, yes?).

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sexy looking short guy, foreign guy, and I all have tentative plans to meet sometime next week - but definitely not at the same time. Wouldn't want them fighting over me [preen preen]. I've also decided just not to write back the few other guys who I was kind of like 'meh' about... maybe next week, but it's kind of like picking your varsity team and then having the crappy ugly back-up team. I'd rather not string them along (ha! was that a bad sports pun?).

We've also been debating amongst ourselves (off blog) if RR guy is looking for a girlfriend, if he stinks in bed, and whether or not I truly find him boring ('cause he's headed that way a few times). Consensus is yes he's looking for a gf, that he would be all emotional in bed and not that good, and that he probably would't let me do a booty call unless it was more gf/bf. Seriously, I've seen him twice and talked with him for 2 weeks, we (my lady friends) have some serious standards and trust issues. Although, I did bring up him being a talker - hey, I'm a talker and that's good, unfort. most of what he talks about is things going on with him and he's asked me few questions about myself. I wonder if he has the same issue I do, I'd just expect someone to talk about things and not pry? That may be bad in a bf or even just a booty call...

Ok, Emily, this is a shout out to you - you've got to at least blog or show a pic of the dark cookie guy, the end.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Do I look hungry?

Seriously, I have like 5 guys writing me now and one 'real' date set up for next week.

I wasn't sure if I should do the date, but Emily talked some sense into me and I'm definitely going out. It doesn't involve dinner or anything, which I am more than fine with, but taking in a show at a theater.

However, the other guys writing me - of which I think I already told one I wasn't interested after he winked at me, but he decided to write me anyway, one who is an uber dork (seriously mentioned rewiring things and LCD lights, yawn), sexy looking short guy (SSS), and foreign guy FINALLY wrote me back, sent me a picture too of when he visited Rome this last weekend and asked me out to lunch, dinner, or coffee for sometime next week. SSS also asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner and so did the military dude... what is up with people wanting to feed me?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Long strange trip...

It's been more than a few days since posting... I have been busy with L in town and trying to accomplish important (non related) things in my life.

So, date on Wed. went well and well enough for me to continue talking to him last week. In fact, while L was in town, he suggested a venue playing live music and Emily, L, and I all went out and he met us there. I got the thumbs-up from both L and Emily, who of course put me in a high school awkward situation at the end. During the venue, I talked with RR guy but it was loud and so mostly concert talk (if that makes any sense). I didn't feel an overwhelming connection with him on Wed., nor on Friday night, but he seems like a nice and interesting guy. After the concert was over, we all wandered outside as the crowd dispersed, and instead of L and Emily staying around to say good-bye, they both wandered over to stare at the stickers on the back of a street sign - like that was totally unobtrusive and not at all overtly high school-esque. Seriously, if he was going to kiss me, put a move on me, etc., he should totally have the balls to do it in front of my friends - no street sign wandering away necessary!

Friday night I also learned a few things about him that make me a bit gun-shy. First, and my sister has warned me about these types of boys - they like the fast moving zombies. In fact, he was so adamant about it, he insulted my zombie aficionado sister by calling her a "traditionalist in the worst sense of the word" and knowing that she teaches high school that "he fears for the next generation of children under her care" because of this zombie traditionalism. Yes, yes I know sister, if you were here it would be 'on', and if I am still seeing him in a boyfriend or friend way, it will still be 'on' when you come out to visit. I warned him that these statements would cause him to be "kicked apart", and he stood by his opinion. The other things that made me a bit nervous were some similarities to my ex - interest in Americana music, a writer for a living (but at least he's actually made money as a freelancer), loves the Beat writers, has a crush on Drew Barrymore, and makes bad puns. Things that are not making me fall all over him personally are that he's funny, but sometimes tries too hard to be so, he's a litter shorter and chubbier than I go for. Normally, I am into rail thin very tall boys, go fig. However, kudos to him for the fact that he has an teenage son that he has raised by himself since the kid was just under 2yrs, he sounds like a fun dad who has a good relationship with his son, he owns his own house, has a job and some kind of reliable transportation. Wow, did that sound like my standards have gone down?

Anyway, he asked me to go out with him again Sunday night, which I declined in favor of hanging with some friends and watching the Stuperbowl. I thought I might have offended him since he didn't write me back or call me, but he did this morning and sounds like he'd like to go out next week.

I also have five emails to answer on match. One is from a pretty good looking, but pretty darn short guy (which I am short, so it's not a big deal). One is the military guy I've been talking with who asked me to lunch this weekend, but was declined due to L in town. Another is a dork and he's a total dork who looks like my friend Erich, and I am not at all attracted to him. I forget the other one, probably because I wasn't super impressed, and the last one lives in Louisiana and shares similar musical tastes to me.

From L and I talking yesterday, I have also realized that I am in no way ready to have a 'boyfriend' or even be serious about someone. I think I am still too close emotionally to break-up related things and do not want anything serious that might break my heart again. L has advised to write this on my profile, but honestly, who would believe that? I don't say anywhere on there that I am looking for my true love, so I hope that the understanding is dating with a side of interesting things, not an entree of falling in love.